Sunday, January 23, 2011

Visiting Family

Neal, Evolet, and I went up to visit my family in Washington to see my brother, Jason's mission farewell. He was called to the Norway Oslo mission and reported to the MTC on Dec. 29. We went bowling as one of the activities. Angie and I tried to bowl our babies, but we are not quite in the frame of the picture. Don't our bowling balls look so excited?!

The rest of the pictures our of the individual families and just a few cute ones. Here is Jon, my middle brother with Evolet and his new baby, Logan.

Then there are my parents with my youngest brother, Jason and him again with his niece, Lily. He looks soooo cute with her.

Jon is here with Teigan and Caleb on his lap and Danielle, his wife, with their new baby boy, Logan. Then is my middle sister, Angie, with her family, Lily and Joe. The last picture is Eric's family starting with Evan in the left corner in Brandi's lap. Then Eric (my oldest brother), Grace, Belle, Quinn, and Tyler.

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